Comprobo – Authentication OAuth, OpenId or Email login – it’s all the same to me… Comprobo needed a simple way of allowing users to login to their system using either email authentication or OpenId/OAuth with Facebook, Google, Bitbucket,...Un.Titled – Clarks International A massive build of many international sites with data import and deployment requirements Clarks Shoes needed 36 (initially 32) different WordPress sites for different geographical regions setup with slightly varying content...Comprobo – ViewAssure Recording a users interaction with a web site that is shown exactly how they saw it. ViewAssure was a “proof of concept” project for Comprobo. It was, in its essence, a “web browser recorder” – allowing clients...Un.Titled – Sunuva Magento Vimeo Widget A Vimeo video player plugin widget for Magento Visit Sunuva Un.titled wanted a Vimeo video player module written for the Sunuva website. Running Magento 1, this module had to be easy to be configured, abide by the Magento...Un.Titled – Galvanizers Association Galvanizing is a unique process to help protect steel – the same way a good website can help protect your business Working for Un.titled, we helped bring their new design for the existing Expression Engine powered...